factory default settings except the current reset code and. We strongly recommend that you rename the template instead of deleting the Normal.dotm template. risk-free return, default risk, credit risk, issuer, financial instrument, return 1. These options include custom styles, custom toolbars, macros, and AutoText entries. NOTE: if there is a Word 2003 NORMAL.DOT in the folder, the new NORMAL.DOTM imports settings from it to make 2010/2007 documents look more like 2003. When you rename the Normal.dotm template in Word 2007 or later, you reset several options to the default settings.
Hi see if the info here can help How to change the default settings for Word.
Be aware that you'll lose extensions and certain data in the process. 2010, look in: File tab / Options command / Advanced option / File locations button … / double click on User Templates to see where the template is stored To reset Google Chrome, you'll have to go into your browser's advanced settings.Close all open Word sessions, including Outlook if you have it.